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“So then do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is” (Ephesians 5:17).

Many say they follow You, Lord.  Whether they really do or do not, I do not know.  The one I do know about is myself.  Lead me into deeper understanding so that I would not be foolish, but wise about the life You have given me through grace.  Guide me to live into the new life and leave behind the ways that lead to destruction.  Grant me wisdom to know the difference between the two.

Almighty Father, You have created us to worship You in spirit and truth.  Guide my heart so that it would always be close to You.  Lead me in the way of salvation in order that I would forever hold fast to the Word You have revealed.  Let me not be caught up in the foolishness of this world, but guided be by Your spirit into the way of everlasting life.  Teach me how to worship You, Lord.

Thank You, Lord, for sending Your Spirit to keep me from being foolish.  Help me to see the simple things that I can do to preserve the rule of grace in my life.  Let me not seek excuses to sin; but empower me to find ways to serve.  Let me not focus upon myself, but upon You, the One who makes all life possible.  Guide me in the way You would have me go and then lead me in that way.  Amen.

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