Cathy Ammlung In Prayers of the Church THE PRAYERS OF THE CHURCH, 2nd Sunday in Lent, Cycle B (February 28, 2021) THE PRAYERS OF THE CHURCH, 2nd Sunday in Lent, Cycle B (February 28, 2021) THE PRAYERS OF THE CHURCH Let us humbly beseech God for his mercy upon the…Read More
Cathy Ammlung In Prayers of the Church THE PRAYERS OF THE CHURCH 1st Sunday in Lent, Cycle B (February 21, 2021) THE PRAYERS OF THE CHURCH 1st Sunday in Lent, Cycle B (February 21, 2021) Let us humbly beseech God for his mercy upon the Church, the world, and one…Read More
Cathy Ammlung In Prayers of the Church THE PRAYERS OF THE CHURCH Ash Wednesday, Cycle B (February 17, 2021) THE PRAYERS OF THE CHURCH Ash Wednesday, Cycle B (February 17, 2021) THE PRAYERS OF THE CHURCH Let us humbly beseech God for his mercy upon the Church, the…Read More
Jeffray Greene In Daily Devotions Devotion for Monday, January 25, 2021 “And He came and preached peace to you who were far away, and peace to those who were near; for through Him we both have our access in one Spirit…Read More