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“But now in Christ Jesus you who formerly were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ.  For He Himself is our peace, who made both groups into one and broke down the barrier of the dividing wall” (Ephesians 2:13-17)

There is a dividing wall.  The law creates the absolute of what is and what is not acceptable.  We have all have fallen on one side of the wall.  Our hope comes by the blood of the One who died for the reconciliation of us all. The offer has been made possible and we have been reconciled through Him; this is the hope of our salvation.  We who were far off have been brought close.

Lord, You are the One who has made this possible, for You are the One who has reconciled those of us who have been far off, bringing them closer to Yourself through Your shed blood on the cross.  Guide me according to Your purpose, and by Your power, to walk the way You would have me walk knowing that only in You is there hope and glory.  Lead me away from those places where I was once far off in order to come closer to You.

Lord Jesus, You have come, and on the cross You accomplished for all what was needed for our salvation.  There are many who have not, nor will not, be reconciled through You.  Let that never be true of me.  Keep me close to You Lord so that I may learn from You and walk in the salvation You have purchased through the cross.  By Your blood I am healed and in You I have new life.  Lead me today in the new life You have given me.  Amen.

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