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“And raised us up with Him, and seated us with Him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, so that in the ages to come He might show the surpassing riches of His grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus” (Ephesians 2:6-7).

The creation is not yet finished.  We are thinking and living beings who have been given an opportunity to dwell with God.  We were born separated from Him, but now have the gift of grace which reconciles us with Him in order to live in His presence eternally.  This is the hope of glory that Paul speaks of.  These are the riches which are ours when we follow Jesus.

Lord, take my eyes off of this world so that I may see things as they really are.  You are the One who created all things and in You alone is the hope of all glory.  Guide me, O Lord, in the way of everlasting life so that I would not settle for created things, but dwell with You, the creator of all things.  Guide me, Lord, now and forever in the humble way of walking where You lead.

Lord Jesus, with great purpose You have come to lead the way for all who will follow You.  The journey is not the destination.  Help me to never think this way.  Instead, lead me today and every day to walk humbly with You, my Lord and Savior wherever You lead.  Guide me in this walk You have placed before me so that I would live into the riches of Your kindness and mercy and become what You have always intended.  Amen.

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