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Dear Reader of the ALPB,

The ALPB has just published a new book entitled “The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit.”  This book includes the fourth and fifth presentations of the Braaten-Benne Lecture Series from 2018 and 2019.  As the title suggests, it is dealing with the “identity of the Spirit, the role of the Spirit, and historical and ecumenical debates surrounding the Spirit”.    A few of the contributors are Robert Benne, Paul R. Hinlicky, and Mark C. Mattes.   The cost is $17 plus postage.  

While you are on our website, please check out the other books in this series, “Who Is Jesus Christ For Us Today: Part Two (2017)”, “Who Is Jesus Christ For Us Today (2016)”, and “Martyrdom and the Suffering of the Righteous (2015).”  Delve even further to discover the predecessor books to the Braaten/Benne Lecture Series, the CORE Theological Conference papers: “Rightly Handling the Word of Truth (2014)”, “On Being the Church in These Precarious Times (2013)”, “Preaching and Teaching the Law and Gospel of God (2012)”, “No Other Name (2011)”, and “Seeking New Directions (2010).” 

All these books can be found on our website under “Shop” and then the Braaten-Benne Lecture Series tab.  

If you are not a subscriber, join the Forum family by subscribing to the Forum package, which includes four Lutheran Forums (edited by R. David Nelson) and twelve Forum Letters (edited by Richard O. Johnson) per year.  There is a special, introductory price of $28 for new subscribers.  Go to our website at or feel free to email or phone me.  I will be happy to help.  Thank you.

In Christ,

Donna K. Roche, Office Manager

American Lutheran Publicity Bureau
P.O. Box 327
Delhi, NY  13753-0327
(607) 746-7511


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