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“So then, while we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, and especially to those who are of the household of the faith” (Galatians 6:10).

Are you able to begin to grasp what the Lord is up to?  He is turning those who follow Him from being centered upon the self to looking beyond.  This is a beginning point.  Do see that the Lord takes what He has created and turns it away from sin (slaying it on the cross) and toward Himself as you become a willing lover of His will and way.  Come then and live into the opportunity which is yours in Christ.

Lord, I begin to see these things, but the world comes and hammers at them so that I become confused.  Help me Lord to see through the dark clouds of this world’s thinking that I may learn how to abide in You and You in me.  Lead me ever deeper into the reality given by grace and lived through faith.  Let me clearly see the opportunities that will come my way this day and utilize them according to the Father’s will.

Thank You Lord Jesus for making possible the hope which is mine through You.  Guide me, Lord, through the opportunities You give that I may learn how to always abide in You and the way You are teaching me.  Show me those places where I can reach out.  Show me the ways I can become a little more like what You are creating me to be.  Guide me, Lord, in the way and truth of life.  Amen.  

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