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“Bear one another’s burdens, and thereby fulfill the law of Christ.  For if anyone thinks he is something when he is nothing, he deceives himself” (Galatians 6:2-3).

Who are you?  We tend to sinfully think more highly of ourselves than we ought.  We all go through the same motions and, by and large, have the same issues.  Share with one another and live in peace in-so-far as you are concerned with others.  This is enough work for each one of us because we do struggle with thinking ourselves exempt from the things that tempt all of us.

Lord, teach me to the depths of my heart that I am indeed no different than any of my neighbors.  (There but for the grace of God go I.) Guide me in the goodness of Your love to see others in the same way I see myself and in all these things to be honest about what I see.  Teach me to truly accept and love my neighbor as one created in Your image and loved by You as You love all equally.  Guide me in Your way and truth, Lord.

Lord Jesus, You died that all would have the opportunity to come through You and to You for eternity.  Lead me in the upward way You have made possible by grace.  Guide me to realize that in You there is great love and hope.  In all things, lead me to become like You.  Begin with today and help me see the changes You are making in me that I may willingly take on the challenge of seeing all others through Your eyes.  Amen.

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