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“Now those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires” (Galatians 5:24).

Do you see what needs to happen?  We are born in rebellion against God.  We need to lay down our rebellion that we may be picked up by Christ and live in a new way.  How this happens is a mystery, but that it happens is the message of the Gospel.  You have been claimed by Christ in your baptism.  Begin again today living as one who has been claimed by Christ and be conformed to His image.

Lord, I know too many who stop here and try and figure these things out.  Instead Lord, guide me to die to the self that I may be resurrected with Christ in the narrow way that leads to eternal life.  Remove those obstacles that get in the way and in all things may I be found living and working in the new life that comes through faith and by grace, Lead me, Lord, to where I need to be led.

Lord Jesus, You went to the cross and have invited us to join You there. You have done all the real work, but we each have our part.  Guide me Lord ever deeper along the narrow way that daily I would die to sin to be resurrected in Your likeness.  Help me to make good and right choices throughout this and every day and learn the lessons You will give me.  Let me not doubt Your love, grace, and mercy, but live in the hope of Your promises which belong to those who love You.  Amen.

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