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“Are you so foolish? Having begun by the Spirit, are you now being perfected by the flesh?  Did you suffer so many things in vain – if indeed it was in vain?  (Galatians 3:3-4)


How is it that we can begin as we ought and then take over the work that the Lord alone can accomplish.  Take heed and be warned, this happens time and again, but it ought not be so with you.  Live in the truth that we all are saved by grace apart from works of the law.  The Lord has accomplished our salvation and He alone knows all that needs to be done as we journey with Him in faith.


Lord, take pride away from me that I may humbly live into this life to which You have called me.  You have given me the power to become a child of the Heavenly Father, but it is by Your power and not mine.  It is Your direction and not mine.  It is Your ability and not mine.  Perfect me, Lord, in this path to which You have called me that I may become what You have always intended and live as You have created me to live.


Lord Jesus, You know all that is needed.  There is nothing I am doing, have done, or will do that You have not seen before.  Lead me, O Lord, in the way You know I need to be led.  Keep me from the foolish temptations that come that I may humbly and truthfully live in the faith You have given me.  Through all things, may it be You who guides me day by day in the way of faith.  Amen.

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