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“And I know how such a man – whether in the body or apart from the body I do not know, God knows – was caught up into Paradise and heard inexpressible words, which a man is not permitted to speak” (2 Corinthians 12:3-4).

There are things which have happened that we do not understand.  Some believe and some do not.  In one sense, it really does not matter, for God spoke into existence all that exists out of nothing.  And there are some who live for the miraculous.  Be sober minded and rejoice if the Lord shows you something special, but think nothing of it if He does not show you anything.

Lord, You love me and that is a fact.  Whether I speak with the tongues of men and angels or just live a simple life, it does not matter.  You are my God and my Savior and apart from You there is nothing.  Lead me deeper into this relationship You have established with me by grace that I may walk now and always with You.

Lord Jesus, You have paid a price I cannot fathom, for a burden I could never carry, in order that I may have a life I cannot imagine.  Lead me ever deeper into the mysteries of the faith that I would learn from You and grow in the way You would have me grow.  Lead me, Lord, and help me to humbly follow.  Help me to freely accept whatever You choose to do with joy and thankfulness.  Amen.

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