ENCUENTRO 2020 TO FORTIFY LUTHERAN HISPANIC-LATINO MINISTRIES Many Lutheran church buildings feature cornerstones with dates and historic references chiseled in languages other than English. In cities, towns and open country…
Back in my college days, I was on the debate team. We would be assigned a general topic for the year, and a two-member team from one college would offer…
Background Notes: One of the dangers and difficulties of discussing almost any issue these days is how easily any discussion can become highly divisively politicized. It is not the intent…
Editor's Note: In this article, author David Charlton thoughtfully critiques Reconciling Scripture for Lutherans, a commentary on Scripture. It was written by Reconciling Works which advocates "for the full welcome, inclusion, and equity…
You might say we are beginning to witness the proverbial straw that is about to break the camel’s back. The camel, in this case, is the Protestant ordained ministry. (Including,…
Editor's Note: The conclusion of this article will be published in a second post on or about September 18, 2020. Critical Theory—in particular, Critical Race Theory—has recently captured the Church’s…
“For we are not bold to class or compare ourselves with some of those who commend themselves; but when they measure themselves by themselves and compare themselves with themselves, they…