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“Now He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will supply and multiply your seed for sowing and increase the harvest of your righteousness; you will be enriched in everything for all liberality, which through us is producing thanksgiving to God” (2 Corinthians 9:10-11).

Do not worry about what you do not have, but take what you do have and walk with the Lord.  He who knows your every need has provided all that is necessary.  Come then, and walk with Him as He leads, and be one who produces thanksgiving in all you do.  Know that through Christ, the Father will bring all things together and fulfill His will on earth as it is done in heaven.

Lord, grant me a willing heart to not stop at those things which I do not understand, but to continue on in the truth You have revealed once for all.  Lead me, O Lord, that I may walk with You into eternity. Guide me by Your goodness to see the good as I walk and to live the good as You lead.  Through all things, may I be one who spreads thanksgiving all around me.

Lord Jesus, You spread Your goodness to all whom You met.  Through You, we have all been blessed with blessing upon blessing.  Guide me, O Lord, this day in Your goodness that I may humbly walk with You in and through me as I encounter others.  Lead me, O Lord, and give me a willing heart to follow.  May I be in the Father’s will, sowing His goodness to all whom I meet this day. Amen.

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