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“Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were making an appeal through us; we beg you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God. He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him (2 Corinthians 5:20-21).

You have been called as an ambassador for Christ. It is not just about Sunday church-going behavior, but about who you are becoming. How is your everyday behavior? Do you care about those whom you meet along the way, or do you see the world in an us-them way? Live doing what the Lord gives you to do knowing that He loves all people enough to die for every one of them.

Lord, lift up my spirit that I would see things as You want me to see them. Help me realize that my behavior at all times is important. You have called me to be a witness in thought, word, and deed. You have called me to be a full-time follower who knows that the unbelieving eyes that watch me are seeing a witness of the faith in action. Guide me into a behavior and attitude that freely lives the grace You have given while being serious about the impact I have upon others.

Lord Jesus, You were the only One who was able to do this perfectly. In Your example, help me to live into the life for which You have called me, that I may be an ambassador to a world that does not know You. Equip me to serve as You know I can that I may live out this new life to which You have enabled me to live by grace. In all things, help me to do what is pleasing to the Father. Amen.

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