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“For we who live are constantly being delivered over to death for Jesus’ sake, so that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our mortal flesh. So death works in us, but life in you” (2 Corinthians 4:11-12).

We each have our struggles and they will continue throughout this life. It is devilish to think that a life without problems is possible; though some live with this thought. Know that whenever sin enters your mind, the Lord will deal with it. Know that you are hated by the wicked one and he will do all he can to bring you to reject the Lord. Life is in you because the Lord has already accomplished salvation for all who believe.

Lord, grant that although I sometimes become discouraged, I would see that You are always present and are working through all circumstances to fulfil Your perfect will. Guide me into the life You have given that in spite of all things I would live in the eternal hope which is mine in and through You. Through all this life brings, guide me on the upward path of true life and eternal liberty.

Lord Jesus, while walking upon this earth You were constantly harassed by unbelief and those who railed against You. Lead me to walk with You that alongside You I may know the glories of a life that is certain and sure amidst the trials and tribulations that may come. Help me, O Lord, to walk boldly in the way of life and live according to all that You have taught us. Amen.

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