Prayers of the Church, 9th Sunday after Pentecost, Proper 13 – August 2, 2020

Prayers of the Church, 9th Sunday after Pentecost, Proper 13 – August 2, 2020

Let us pray for the church, the world, and all people according to their need.

A brief silence is kept.


Heavenly Father, thank you for daily bread that nourishes soul and body. Thank you for the Bread of Life, Jesus your Son. Give us this bread always. Help us share with those who are famished.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Feed your Church with the Bread of Heaven. Refresh it with living water. Heal it with the wine of forgiveness. Nourish it with the milk of your kindness. Then, send the Church into the world, to invite those who do not yet know you to drink from the waters of salvation and feast on the bread of life.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.


We pray for Christians around the world who are imprisoned and killed because they name Jesus as Lord. Bestow on them your steadfast love and, so that they may be bold, faithful, and gracious in their witness to their Savior. Help us to serve, defend and provide for them however we can.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.


Make the people of this congregation hungry for your truth and thirsty for your mercy. Let us feast upon Jesus in Word and Sacrament. And then, make us overflow with holy love, so we eagerly share him with those who need it most.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

There are so many hungry people! Bless every food pantry, community garden, meal program, and aid organization that feeds the hungry. Help us to endow poor communities with skills and resources, to feed themselves and be a blessing to many others.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Teach the leaders of the nations to incline their ears to you; to rightly lead their people; and to seek that good which endures. Give them the desire and the means to provide food, jobs, education, and safety for those entrusted to their care. And grant to all people those good things which sustain life and hope.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Jesus’ disciples learned his power by obeying his command to feed the people. We are his disciples, too. We’re sometimes overwhelmed by the size of the task: so many hungry, hurting people! And we’re daunted by our resources: we’re so small, old, limited, untutored! Give us the obedient hearts of the first disciples. Help to follow Jesus by little steps: Sitting, praying, listening, sharing, gathering. Remind us that Jesus will take, break, and bless our small gifts, and use them to feed a world starved for him.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Grant refreshment, strength, and healing to everyone who struggles with any sort of adversity. Especially we lift before you the needs of: {List}. Give compassion and competence to all who care for them. And hasten the day when they may joyfully say, “You remembered us in our low estate, for your mercy endures forever; and delivered us from our enemies, for your mercy endures forever.”

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Heavenly Father, keep in your care all who have died trusting in your promises. Turn our sorrow into joy, and our tears to laughter. Have compassion on us. Nourish, sustain, guide, and protect us. Teach us to care for each other tenderly. Gather us around your Son, to receive every good gift from his wounded hands. Let him lead us, and all your people, to the festal table you have prepared. There may we eat and drink and gaze upon him, our heart’s desire, forever.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Hear our prayer, O Father, and grant all that glorifies you and builds up your people. This we ask for Jesus’ sake. Amen.

Prayers of the Church, 8th Sunday after Pentecost, Proper 12 – July 26, 2020

Prayers of the Church, 8th Sunday after Pentecost, Proper 12 – July 26, 2020

Let us lift our hearts, hands, and voices in prayer to God on behalf of all people.

A brief silence is kept.


Dear Father, thank you for giving to your Chosen People Israel the gorgeous pearl of your holy Word in Torah, Prophets, and Writings. Thank you for enfleshing your Word most perfectly in the great Pearl beyond all price, your dear son Jesus. Thank you for making us, through him, into your pearl your hidden treasure, your beloved people!

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Make the Church lovely with Jesus’ goodness. May it always treat your Word and Sacraments as precious, living treasures, not as dusty relics or as optional bric-a-brac. By the gracious power of your Spirit, draw many to faith in Jesus, so they may never be separated from your love.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.


We pray for our persecuted sisters and brothers, who face “tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or danger, or sword.” Make them more than conquerors through the Cross of Christ; and soften the hearts of those who torment them.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.


Keep this congregation in your care, knowing that nothing can separate us from your love for us in Christ Jesus. Use our words and deeds to share that love with those around us who need it most.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Bless your people the Jews. You chose them not because they were great but because you loved them; and from them you brought forth the pearl of great price, even Jesus Christ your dear Son. Enfold your people in your protective and loving embrace; and bring them and us into the fulness of joy you have prepared for those who love you.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Establish your justice among the nations, O Lord; and do not let the scepter of evil hold sway over us. Establish your justice among rulers of countries and captains of industry; among leaders in every field of inquiry and endeavor; and among your people everywhere. Turn our hearts from evildoing and crooked ways; and fix them firmly upon faith toward you and fervent love toward one another.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

We pray for justice, concord, and safety to flourish in this land. We pray for wrongdoers to be held accountable for their deeds, and to repent of them. We pray for wise words, not inflamed rhetoric, from our leaders. We pray for constructive decisions, not rash actions or empty gestures, from those entrusted with authority. We pray for those who risk their lives on behalf of others, that even in difficult circumstances they exhibit integrity and valor. We pray that in all circumstances, your will be done.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

We pray for the sick, injured, dying and bereaved; for the troubled, confused, lonely, or despairing; and for everyone who struggles with the tribulations of this life – especially {List}. Help us to show them, in word and deed, that though the world seems against them, you are for them; you love them; you justify them; and you shall indeed make them more than conquerors.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Most Holy Father, we remember before you our departed loved ones. Remember your faithfulness and loving-kindness to us, though we are in the thousandth generation of those whom you have named as your own. Teach us to eagerly seek and dearly treasure your Son, our Pearl of great price. Whatever trials we endure in this life, grant that blessed outcome promised to all who love you. In your great mercy, bring us into your Kingdom. There, with all the redeemed, may we rejoice in your love and delight in you forever.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Receive and graciously answer our prayer, heavenly Father, for the sake of your dear Son; and by the power of your Holy Spirit, give us the strength and will to accomplish whatever you call us to do. Amen.

Devotion for Monday, July 13, 2020

“For we do not preach ourselves but Christ Jesus as Lord, and ourselves as your bond-servants for Jesus’ sake. For God, who said, “Light shall shine out of darkness,” is the One who has shone in our hearts to give the Light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ” (2 Corinthians 4:5-6).

We do not preach ourselves. In our day, many have forgotten that it is about Jesus. There may be good preachers, but what is that? There may be good programs, but so what? It is all about Jesus and we are reminded that Jesus is the One who saves us. Come into the light who is Christ and walk ever more deeply in the knowledge of God which He grants through the Holy Spirit and put on the face of Christ.

Lord, I am often dazzled by the salesmanship of our age and forget that it is about Jesus. Lead me Lord in the right way that I may be guided by You and not by the nonsense of this world. Help me to understand that in You alone is all hope and glory. Guide me in Your goodness to walk humbly with You wherever You lead and learn those things which You will teach me.

Lord Jesus, You are the One who has come into the world and You are the only One who saves. Although I may enjoy other things, help me to never forget that it is You who does these things. In all that I do Lord, may I always see that You are first and then all these things are added. May Your light shine through me that the world may see my good works and glorify the Father in heaven. Amen.