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“We create and distribute theological and apologetic resources anchored in the central message of the Bible: that Christ died for sinners and rose for their justification. Through the proclamation of the Gospel, we aim to give assurance and consolation to Christians, enable individuals to serve their neighbors in freedom, and strengthen the church.  Our resources include a podcast network, daily articles, speakers, a publishing house, annual conferences, and an online academy.”

3DM Ministries.  (

“We are made up of men and women around the world who are following Jesus together, multiplying disciples who make disciples, and empowering spiritual families to live on mission for the sake of the lost. We are a richly diverse movement of people from different walks of life, socio-economic contexts, ethnic backgrounds, and spiritual traditions. What unites us is our love for God, our desire to live the life Jesus modeled for us, and our passion to see the good news of his kingdom come to all people.”

The Crossings Community.  (

A worldwide network of Christians dedicated to connecting the Word of God and daily life under the motto, “Crossing Life with the Promise of Christ.”  Theologically committed to the proper distinction of law and gospel.  Serves people in “crossing” their lived experiences with the promise of Christ to see how their stories fit within the gospel story.  Has an annual conference in the St. Louis area (free for seminarians), an engaging website, and a weekly Law/Gospel text study analysis of the lectionary Gospel reading that can be emailed to you or accessed on the website. 

Doxology.  (

Doxology provides pastors with a unique study and renewal experience, rooted in the classic art of the care of souls (cura animarum) and informed by the insights of contemporary Christian psychology.   Their primary purpose is to provide training, mentoring, and consultation services for pastors seeking to enhance their ability to help people struggling with the ever-increasing personal, family, and social complexities of contemporary life.  The retreat training environment, grounded in Holy Scripture and the Lutheran Confessions, ensures that pastors will be emotionally and spiritually refreshed and equipped by their participation.  The Center provides a safe environment for clergy to reflect on their own spiritual and emotional health and assists them to review and enhance their professional competencies and skills as servants of Christ and stewards of God’s sacred mysteries.  Doxology strengthens pastors so they can more faithfully pastor others.  Please note: Doxology does not recognize the ordination of women. 

The Moses Project (

Gives rural pastors a vision of ministry that will help them thrive in congregational leadership and in turn, enhance the vitality of the congregations they serve.  Designed to help rural pastors build relationships with and learn from experienced clergy who will guide them through challenges at critical, transitional phases in their early ministerial career. Through a distinct and exceptional professional development program, pastors will receive critical support, develop innovative strategies, and engage in ongoing learning and opportunities for renewal. They will build the very network that will provide them and those they serve with vitality.  Funded by the Thriving in Ministry Initiative of the Lilly Endowment, housed at Grand View University in Des Moines, Iowa, and in collaboration with the Southeastern and Western Iowa Synods of the ELCA.

Mount Carmel Ministries (

Mount Carmel Ministries is a place of rest, renewal, and recreation where people experience Jesus.  Founded by the Lutheran Bible Institute of Minneapolis as their summer teaching ministry in 1938, Mount Carmel became independent in 1988.  They live out their mission through biblically based, Christ-centered programming and hospitality.  Their signature ministries include a summer camp for families, a Bible camp for adults age 55 and older, a Christian retreat center, and a daily devotional booklet. 

Sola Publishing (

Sola Publishing seeks to provide resources that reflect the integrity of the Scriptures as the Word of God, from the perspective of the historical Lutheran Confessions. The theological position that underlies the teaching materials produced by Sola Publishing is summarized in a statement called “The Common Confession.”  This is the same Common Confession adopted by Lutheran CORE and the NALC.  Sola Publishing offers a wide range of Bible Studies, Worship resources, Children and youth resources, including an online Sunday school resource called SEED, as well as books and magazines. Sola Publishing also added materials from Crossways International that are available through our website.

What Happened To Our Churches? (

In fifty-two blogs Dr. David Luecke addresses what he sees as having gone wrong with traditional mainline churches.  Fifty years ago they were healthy, but now they are in steep decline. Luecke believes that Lutheran, as well as Presbyterian, Reformed, Episcopalian, Methodist, and United Church of Christ churches, have lost their basic spiritual energy.  It is his conviction that the only way for them to regain that energy is to pay much more attention to the apostle Paul’s emphasis upon the empowering presence of the Holy Spirit.

World Mission Prayer League (  612-871-6843)
A pan-Lutheran fellowship committed to Christian prayer as a working method of mission.  An international community of approximately 6,000 members with formal offices in the United States and Canada.  Supports approximately 120 workers serving in twenty countries throughout Africa, Asia, North America, and South America.  Its mission is to see that populations with limited or no access to the Gospel experience the love of Christ and that believers and communities of believers in the Americas and elsewhere engage in active and collaborative participation in living out their roles in the great commission.


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