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American Lutheran Publicity Bureau (

Established in 1914.  An independent, non-profit organization that is linked by faith and confession to the Church it serves. Committed to an understanding of the Lutheran tradition as evangelical and catholic.  Affirms the Church’s scriptural and confessional foundations in order to foster renewal within the Lutheran bodies of North America, worldwide, and the wider ecumenical community. In an era in which the Church in North America must address an increasingly post-Christian and secular culture, makes the theological, liturgical and devotional resources of our confessional heritage accessible and relevant to all Lutherans as well as to friends in other communions.

First Things Journal ( 

Published by the Institute on Religion and Public Life, which was founded in 1989 by Richard John Neuhaus and his colleagues to confront the ideology of secularism and the position that faith has no place in shaping the public conversation or in shaping public policy.  In addition to publishing ten issues of First Things each year, the Institute hosts educational programs that promote religiously informed analysis of culture, society, theology, and politics.

CTS Media Resources (

Theological articles, course videos, chapel sermons, and other resources from Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, Indiana.  No charge, but contributions are welcome.

Logia Journal: A Journal of Lutheran Theology ( 

A quarterly journal of Lutheran theology published by The Luther Academy featuring articles from diverse contributors worldwide on exegetical, historical, systematic, and liturgical theology. Clings to God’s divinely instituted marks of the church: the gospel, preached purely in all its articles, and the sacraments, administered according to Christ’s institution.

Lutheran Forum and Forum Letter (  

The flagship publications of the American Lutheran Publicity Bureau.  Discusses the faith once delivered to the saints as well as what is going on today in our culture, parishes, seminaries, and national churches.  For those who love the Lutheran tradition, sometimes worry about its future, and want to keep up with the news in the Lutheran church bodies in the United States as well as with what faithful Lutherans around the world are thinking and writing about worship, theology, ecumenism and more.  The FORUM Package includes both the Lutheran Forum, a 64-page quarterly journal with thoughtful articles written by a diverse group of authors, as well as the Forum Letter, a monthly 8-page lively newsletter that most subscribers read from start to finish on the day it arrives.

Lutheran Quarterly Journal (

Discusses Lutheran church history and theology.  Appears in Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter issues each year. Provides a forum for the discussion of the Christian faith and life on the basis of the Lutheran Confessions.  Applies the principles of the Lutheran Church to the changing problems of religion and society.   

Lutheran Quarterly Books (

Formerly published by Eerdmans.  Emphasizes Lutheran theology and the history of doctrine, as seen in the three titles by Gerhard Forde, two volumes by Oswald Bayer, and two collections of essays on Luther’s teachings edited by Timothy Wengert.

 Modern Reformation Magazine ( and its syndicated broadcast, the White Horse Inn (

“We are more than a talk show and a magazine. We believe that each generation must rediscover and apply the gospel to their own time. We long to see a second reformation – a modern Reformation take hold of our churches and return them to the God-honoring, Christ-centered, Spirit-wrought places of worship they should be. Over the past twenty years, we’ve grown more hopeful that such a reformation is possible. So, we’re putting our time and resources to work toward one, helping Christians ‘know what they believe and why they believe it.’”

Pro Eccclesia (

A quarterly journal of theology founded by Carl Braaten and Robert Jenson and published by the Center for Catholic and Evangelical Theology.  Seeks to give contemporary expression to the one apostolic faith and its classic traditions, as it works for and manifests the church’s unity by research, theological construction, and a free exchange of opinions.  Members of its advisory council represent communities committed to the authority of Holy Scripture, ecumenical dogmatic teaching, and the structural continuity of the church and are themselves dedicated to maintaining and invigorating these commitments. The journal publishes biblical, liturgical, historical, and doctrinal articles that promote or illumine its purposes.

SIMUL ( and on Facebook

SIMUL is a new academic journal launched in the fall of 2021 by St. Paul Lutheran Seminary.  Its pages feature articles by Bob Benne, Mark Granquist, Brad Hales, and many others.  It is free, online, and very readable.  It is an academic journal, with articles that are written by academics and that adhere to the highest academic standards.  They include endnotes so you can reference where the authors are getting their information. But it is also very readable, not just by pastors, but also by our church members, the disciples who move the church forward.

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