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Lutheran Study Bible (Concordia)  

The first Bible in English to be developed with notes that are distinctively Lutheran. Notes were prepared by theologians and pastors from more than twenty Lutheran church bodies. Current scholarship, insights from Church Fathers, and rich devotional commentary help both new and mature Christians learn about God’s Word.

The New International Commentary on the Old and New Testaments

A rich, academic resource for studying the Bible.  Contains scholarship from many, well-known theologians.

The Pillar New Testament Commentaries

Designed for serious readers of the Bible.  Seeks to make clear the meaning of the text. Writers interact with the informed contemporary debate yet avoid undue technical detail. A blend of rigorous exegesis and exposition, scholarship and pastoral sensitivity, with an eye alert both to biblical theology and to the contemporary relevance of the Bible. Fourteen volumes.  Brings together some of the best biblical scholarship of our time.

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