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Aulen, Gustaf.  Faith of the Christian Church.

An eminently accessible work by an ecumenical giant of the 20th century.  Aulen was a distinguished professor of theology before becoming the bishop of Strangnas for the Lutheran Church of Sweden.  He wrote the latest revision of this work after his retirement.  In it he focuses on key issues and core beliefs as he discusses what binds all Christians together in faith.  His most famous book is Christus Victor, which still exerts considerable influence on contemporary theological thinking on the atonement. 

Barth, Karl.  Dogmatics in Outline.

A phrase by phrase reflection on the Apostles Creed, interpreting it as the central statement of Christian belief for all time.  Emphasizes the absolute centrality of Christ.

Bauckham, Richard.  Jesus and the Eyewitnesses: The Gospels as Eyewitness Testimony.

Argues that the four Gospels are closely based on the eyewitness testimony of those who personally knew Jesus.

Bayer, Oswald.  Living by Faith: Justification and Sanctification.

Shows how the concept of justification provides a comprehensive horizon for discussing every aspect of Christian theology.  

Braaten, Carl E. Principles of Lutheran Theology.

This book has guided students in theological reflection on the landmarks of the Christian faith as interpreted in the Lutheran confessional heritage since it was first published in 1983. 

Brunner, Emil.  The Mediator: A Study of the Central Doctrine of the Christian Faith.

A thorough analysis of the Biblical doctrine of the person and work of Christ.  Shows that Christianity stands or falls by what is believed and thought about Jesus.  

Forde, Gerhard. Theology is for Proclamation. 

Constructs a whole system of theology on the model of Luther’s Bondage of the Will.  Drags systematic theology out of the study and sticks it in the pulpit so that it proclaims the Gospel. 

Johnson, Luke Timothy.  The Real Jesus: The Misguided Quest for the Historical Jesus and the Truth of the Traditional Gospels.

The first book to challenge the findings of the Jesus Seminar, the group of two hundred scholars who claim that Jesus said only eighteen percent of what the Gospels attribute to him.

Kitamori, Kazoh.  Theology of the Pain of God.

Demonstrates the limitations and problems of most Christian theology from a Japanese point of view.  Reformulates the Christian faith in non-Western terms as it expands the dialogue between Eastern and Western Christians. 

Kolb, Robert and Arand, Charles P.  The Genius of Luther’s Theology: A Wittenberg Way of Thinking for the Contemporary Church.

An introduction to two central themes of the reformer’s theology – his view on the believer’s response to God and the world, and his perspective on God’s relationship to humanity.

Lennox, John. God’s Undertaker: Has Science Buried God?

Evaluates the evidence of modern science in relation to the debate between the atheistic and theistic interpretations of the universe.

Lindbeck, George.  The Nature of Doctrine: Religion and Theology in a Postliberal Age.

Lays the foundation for a theology based on a cultural-linguistic approach to religion and a regulative or rule theory of doctrine.

Neuhaus, Richard John.  Freedom for Ministry. 

Argues that there is a necessary awkwardness about Christian ministry because we are ambassadors of a “disputed sovereignty.”  Discusses the “awkward responsibility” of being a preacher. 

Polkinghome, John and Beale, Nicholas.  Questions of Truth: Fifty-One Responses to Questions about God, Science, and Belief.

A defense of the compatibility of religious faith and science.  Contains responses from a physicist and a philosopher to questions about science and religion.

Rognlien, Robert.  Recovering the Way: How Ancient Discoveries Help Us Follow the Footsteps of Jesus Today.

Written for those who want to understand the truths Jesus taught and want to live the life Jesus lived.  Shows how Jesus’ teaching and example can shape our lives. 

Willard, Dallas, editor.  A Place for Truth: Leading Thinkers Explore Life’s Hardest Questions.

A collection of speeches from two decades of Veritas discussions. Since its founding in 1992, the Veritas Forum has provided a place for the university world to explore the deepest questions of faith and life.    

Wingren, Gustaf.  Luther on Vocation. 

An analysis of Luther’s teaching that helps us understand the relationship between faith and works. 

Zahl, David.  Seculosity: How Career, Parenting, Technology, Food, Politics, and Romance Became Our New Religion and What to Do about It. 

A thoughtful and entertaining look at the way in which people turn to all sorts of everyday activities for identity, purpose, and meaning.

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