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“For the Son of God, Christ Jesus, who was preached among you by us—by me and Silvanus and Timothy—was not yes and no, but is yes in Him. For as many as are the promises of God, in Him they are yes; therefore also through Him is our Amen to the glory of God through us” (2 Corinthians 1:19-20).

As many as believe, to them He gives the right to become children of God. In Christ is the yes we all need. Do not look at the circumstances of life, but at the One who knows all circumstances and is pulling them together according to His purpose. Be led by the One who is Lord and Savior of all. Listen and the Lord will speak. Then hear and act on the Good News.

Lord, I am often circumspect, or else conditional in my actions. Help me to live into the life to which You call me through the Gospel that I would hear the “yes” that is spoken through You. Guide me to come to You with open arms and heart, and live into the life of faith to which You have called me. In You is all hope and a future. Be the One who is before me and all around me now and forever.

Lord Jesus, You have come to say “yes” through grace. Lead me in faith to trust You in all the ways You will lead me. Teach my feet to follow where You lead. Guide me into the Father’s will to be about the Father’s business with all I say and do. In You is all hope and eternity. May I learn to listen when You speak, obey when You command, and above all else, trust in Your leading. Amen.

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