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“But someone will say, “How are the dead raised? And with what kind of body do they come?” You fool! That which you sow does not come to life unless it dies; and that which you sow, you do not sow the body which is to be, but a bare grain, perhaps of wheat or of something else”(1 Corinthians 15:35-36).

Why do you worry about what God does? Who can tell the Lord what to do, let alone how to do it. God raises the dead and in this, He has raised you from the death of sin into the gift of grace which imparts true life. Come therefore and be not dead, but living. Live into the life which you have been given through Christ and live believing, not unbelieving. The seed already in you is always at work.

Lord, help me to not focus upon what is going on in me, but instead upon what You are doing. It is You who breathed Your Spirit in me and You who gives all life. Lead me in the way You show that I may walk humbly as Your creation. Let me not worry about death and life, but instead see that You have taken what needed to die and raised it to be what You have always intended.

Lord Jesus, Your act upon the cross is all that is needed. You, the Author and Finisher of faith have already done all that needs to be done. Guide me, Lord, in the way of salvation for I do not know the way, but You do. Keep my eyes upon You that I may not fall away, wander, or perish. Keep me close to You and teach me to hold You close to me. Empower me in all I do that it may be You who is at work in me. Amen.

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