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“Otherwise, what will those do who are baptized for the dead? If the dead are not raised at all, why then are they baptized for them? Why are we also in danger every hour?” (1 Corinthians 15:29-30)

We often fixate upon what we do not know. If there is no resurrection from the dead, then all is hopeless. Yet we worry about ourselves and about those whom we love. Does not God know those who are His? Has He not cared even for the sparrow that falls to the ground? Trust in the One who was crucified and by the power of God, resurrected from the dead, for He has already overcome.

Lord, guide my worries and fears away from the fickle circumstances of this world and into the glorious light of Your presence that I may not doubt. Help me at all times to see that it is You who is at work. In You alone is there hope and a glorious future. In You is all life, even eternal life. Lead me, O Lord, and I will follow You. Help me, Lord, and I will be helped here, now, and forever.

Lord Jesus, when You said it is finished, it was the final word to sin and death. Guide me, Lord, according to Your goodness to see through the fears and aggravations of this world to place my hope upon You. Keep me in Your will that I may live according to Your promises. Through all things, Lord Jesus, may I see You there before me clearly at all times and follow You alone. Amen.

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