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“For He must reign until He has put all His enemies under His feet.  The last enemy that will be abolished is death” (1 Corinthians 15:25-26).

Who are the enemies of God?  As we look at history we see the many ways evil has taken on life and accelerated.  The Lord allows all to unfold for His purpose, but never think the Lord is not Lord of all.  He is bringing all things into subjection to His perfect and immutable will.  Trust the Lord of the harvest who will even conquer death, which is the last enemy to be overcome.

Lord, there are many things I do not understand.  Help me to live out the first commandment and trust You above all things.  Guide me in Your goodness to know that all hope for all people is in You alone who has made all things.  Lead me according to Your goodness to see through the evil of this age and know that our hope has always been in You who has and will overcome all that goes against Your power and authority, even death. Lord Jesus, because You rose from the dead, we shall rise from the dead at the appointed time. Help me, I pray, to see through all of the things of this age which get in the way of knowing the simplicity of truth that You have already overcome death that those who trust in You may have hope.

Lord Jesus, through Your death and resurrection You have paved the way of everlasting life.  Lead me in the truth of what You have done that I may now and always live according to Your perfect will.  Lift me up and into the life of one who follows You.  Guide me in Your Spirit to listen and obey.   In all things, help me to know that I am in You and You are in me.  Amen.

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