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“But each in his own order: Christ the first fruits, after that those who are Christ’s at His coming,  then comes the end, when He hands over the kingdom to the God and Father, when He has abolished all rule and all authority and power” (1 Corinthians 15:23-24).

There is a plan.  The Lord is unfolding all that needs to happen before the end of this age.  Do not suppose that things are random, for that is what the world would have you believe.  Do not think that the Lord does not have power, for that is a lie of the devil.  Know that God knows the end from the beginning and live into the life to which You have been called in Christ Jesus.

Lord, help me to see clearly the obfuscations of this age and how there are those who lift up the same excuses to continue in hatred of You.  Lead me instead to see through these things to know that all things are now, as they always have been, in Your hands.  Guide me in Your goodness to trust in You above all things knowing that You have called me to You by grace.

Lord Jesus, You told Your disciples about what would come in the future.  You gave signs that those who would listen may know that You are the One who will lead us to the end.  At the end, it is You who will be there to greet each and every one of us.  Help me to learn from You and humbly accept all the circumstances in which I find myself, knowing that You are the One with all authority and power.  Amen.

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