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“Then He appeared to James, then to all the apostles; and last of all, as to one untimely born, He appeared to me also” (1 Corinthians 15:7-8).

The sin of pride is in all of us. We are whom the Lord has made and we are not our own. The freedom Christ gives through grace is not a freedom to do as we please, but to become whom the Lord is making us to be. Do not be caught off guard, nor think more highly of yourself, but think in terms of what the Lord has said. See all that He is and lift Him up above all things; including yourself.

Lord, help me see where I do have issues of the self above others. Let me learn to be content in You and in all situations. Guide me according to Your goodness to come into Your presence with thanksgiving and live the life You have given me to live. Lead me in the way of truth that I may learn from You and be guided through the grace You give to live the life You have created for me.

Lord Jesus, You came as a servant and modeled the godly life. Lead me in the example You have given to live for You and not for myself. Help me to see beyond myself and see those places where I place myself first. Guide me now and always that I would walk with You, doing what is pleasing to the Father. In all things, teach me how to praise, thank and worship You for all things. Amen.

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