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Prayers of the Church, Holy Trinity, Cycle A (June 7, 2020)


In the power of the Spirit, let us pray to God the Father, that through his dear Son, he would accomplish his will for the Church, the world, and all people for whom we pray.

A brief silence

We adore you, O Lord, and confess you are one God in three Persons. With God the Son, in the power of God the Spirit, we are bold to pray to God the Father as “Our Father!” We do not deserve, and can barely comprehend, such a wonder. All we can do is bless your holy Name and proclaim your goodness and grace to the world.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.


Grant that your Church may always worship your Triune nature in unity; and confess that your unity is that of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Give the Church such wisdom and faith that it may rightly proclaim your Name to the world. And give it such humility and grace that, through it, many come to know, trust, and love you, the Lord and Savior of the world.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

You commanded the Church to go into all nations, making disciples, baptizing in your Name, and teaching others to observe all you have commanded. Keep your persecuted servants faithful to that Great Commission, even when it would be easier to fall away. Purify, strengthen and correct the words and lives of us who are NOT persecuted, so we are not a scandal to their witness, nor a stumbling-block to those who do not yet believe.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Make this congregation a temple fit for your most holy presence. Use our committees, Bible studies, choirs, and other ministries to glorify your Name in our midst; to bind us together in your love; and to draw those who are far from you into your loving and saving embrace.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

You created this world and blessed it and called it good; and you entrust it to us as your stewards. We are called to be the very face of God to creation! Grant that we may use the bounties of the sea, land and air with wisdom and prudence. Give gentle and loving hearts to all who care for animals. Bless farmers, ranchers, fisher-folk, and all who keep an anxious eye on weather, pollution, and everything that affects this beautiful planet.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Remind leaders of the nations that they are your stewards of authority and power. Remind captains of industry and commerce that they are stewards of the world’s resources. Remind the healthy and wealthy, the educated and influential, the popular and powerful, that they, too, are stewards of your lavish gifts. Remind all of us that we are stewards of your bounty. You command us to use them in accordance with your will; and your will is for all people and all creatures to enjoy their rightful portion of your gifts.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.


Shield and guide our military, first responders, and all who are charged with defending life and liberty. Give them wisdom, valor and integrity. Use their skills to establish safety and justice. Heal their bodies, minds and spirits from the shadows of violence and destruction.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.

Bless, heal, and comfort all who are beset by heartache, despair, pain, confusion, shame or sorrow. Especially we pray for: {List}. Raise them up from the dark valleys in which they wander; be their light and life, their guide and joy. And return them to the fellowship of all who love and pray for them.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.


Holy God, holy and mighty, holy and immortal: we praise, bless and adore you for showing your mercy to those who have died trusting in your promises. Visit us with your wisdom, love, and forgiveness. Teach us the moves and graces of your triune fellowship. Help us to practice them with one another, for our mutual edification. Bring us into your presence, so that we may sit at table with you and with the whole company of the redeemed. Let us gaze upon your blessed countenance and adore you most joyfully as our Lord and God, O Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and forever and unto the ages of ages.

Lord, in your mercy, please hear our prayer.


Hear our prayers, O Father, for the sake of Jesus your Son; and by the power of your Holy Spirit, bring what is pleasing in your sight to fruition in our lives. Amen.

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