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“And the spirits of prophets are subject to prophets; for God is not a God of confusion but of peace, as in all the churches of the saints” (1 Corinthians 13:32-33).

The heart of this is important.  Confusion is of the wicked one. Where you see confusion, there you see the devil at work. What then?  Look to the Lord and know that He who created all things will lead you into all goodness. The Savior is the One who must lead, for we all must be saved, and we cannot do it ourselves. Therefore, turn to Him in all things and know that He who redeems You is the One who will lead you into eternal life.

Lord, grant that I would see with clarity the truth that is being spoken here.  I am not here for myself, but for You who created me. Let me have no part in confusion, but grant that I take part in the work You are doing in this age.  Lead me Lord and I will follow.  Guide me Lord and grant wisdom that I would listen and obey. In all things, grant me eyes to see the unfolding of Your kingdom.

Lord Jesus, You pressed on through the foolish doubts of those around You. You marched to the cross and suffered there for us all. Only in You is there hope and a future. Guide my heart to live in this truth which You have revealed that I may learn from You what it is to take up my cross and follow You. Help me through all the confusion of this age to see You more clearly and love You more dearly. Amen.

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