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“But if there is no interpreter, he must keep silent in the church; and let him speak to himself and to God. Let two or three prophets speak, and let the others pass judgment” (1 Corinthians 14:28-29).

Good order is an essential part of coming together in the Lord’s presence. We come together for mutual edification and encouragement. Also, to hold one another accountable to the things of the Lord.  Knowing that we fight against forces of darkness, we ought not make it easy for the ego to reign in our worship of the Lord. Be on guard and watch out for one another that all may become holy.

Holy Spirit, You sift all hearts and know all that is happening. Come and sift through the hearts of all men that those who gather together may see more clearly the realities that surround them. Give eyes that see, ears that hear, and understanding that when we gather together, it may be for the mutual benefit of all concerned. May it be willing hearts that are together in worship.

Lord Jesus, as You walked with Your disciples, You knew what was in their hearts. Help me see that You know my heart and where I need to be conformed to Your image for the sake of Your church. Lead me in faithfulness that I would do what You give me to do and rightly judge when others are not edifying You or the Good News that You bring. Lead me, Lord, that I may be guided by Your Word alone. Amen.

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