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“So also you, unless you utter by the tongue speech that is clear, how will it be known what is spoken? For you will be speaking into the air. There are, perhaps, a great many kinds of languages in the world, and no kind is without meaning” (1 Corinthians 14:9-10).

The Lord does not want to make us great to impress other people. He gives the gifts He gives that His will might be done, and others join in coming to Him. Do not think too highly of any abilities you have, but use all the Lord has given you for His purpose. Walk humbly with the Lord and be all He is creating you to be. We need to help others understand as we ourselves have received understanding.

Lord, help me to be teachable and to be one who is willing to teach, Guide me in the way of goodness that I would walk humbly in Your sight and use all You have given me for Your glory. Guide me, O Lord ,that I may now and always walk in Your presence as one who is Your servant. Keep me from pride that I would simply use all You have given to Your glory always.

Lord Jesus, You have shown us by Your example how to walk in this world, listening to the Father and doing what He gives us to do. Let me not be caught up in the ways of this world which seek notoriety, but instead receive a humbleness of purpose which sees that You are equipping each of Your saints for the task at hand. May I walk in Your example and do what is pleasing in the Father’s sight. Amen.  

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