For All the Saints Daily Prayer Book

Many of you are probably already aware that the American Lutheran Publicity Bureau’s (ALPB’s) board is reprinting its daily prayer book, “For All the Saints.” 

  • The ALPB board approved the reprint of Volume One and it is now available for purchase, either by itself or in the set. 
  • The board felt it didn’t have any choice but to reprint, since these books have been such a blessing to many people’s spiritual life. 
  • This set of 4 pocket-sized, beautifully bound volumes is designed to be used for daily prayer and Bible reading by Christians everywhere. 
  • Based on the two-year daily lectionary in the Book of Common Prayer and the Lutheran Book of Worship, the volumes cover a 2-year period. 
  • Each volume measures 4″ by 6″ with a gold-stamped, leather-like cover, durable sewn binding, ribbon markers, and over 1300 pages printed on high quality lightweight Bible paper.   
  • Please go to our website at and find out more about these wonderful books.  Then if you are still interested, please feel free to purchase them right on our website (under “Shop”, eighth book down) or contact Donna Roche at the address below.   
  • While you are browsing our website, check out our newer books like Robert Benne’s “Thanks Be To God” and Carl Braaten’s “My Ecumenical Journey.”  

Donna K. Roche, Office Manager
American Lutheran Publicity Bureau
P.O. Box 327
Delhi, NY  13753-0327
(607) 746-7511

Devotion for Thursday, April 16, 2020

“But when the perfect comes, the partial will be done away. When I was a child, I used to speak like a child, think like a child, reason like a child; when I became a man, I did away with childish things” (1 Corinthians 13:10-11).

Jesus taught us to not hinder the little children. We need to have the eyes of children as we begin. But let us never forget that all life shows us that we must mature, grow and in this age, change. The call of salvation is to put on Christ and become as He is. We will put away the childishness of this age in order for us to stand in the presence of a holy and perfect God who is in all and through all.

Lord, grant me eyes to see more clearly the reality of what You are doing. Let me not get caught up in the insanity of this world which is looking for perpetual youth, but to see that You are maturing me in the way of everlasting life. Help me now and always to see that in You alone is the hope for all people. Help me to become like You in maturity, yet retain the wonder of a child.

Lord Jesus, You are the way, truth, and life. In You is the hope of every generation. Guide me, Lord, that I may walk humbly in Your presence and follow as You lead. Remind me when I am childish and when I think I am mature and I am not. Help me to live into the life to which You are calling me and let nothing get in the way. May I now and always look to You alone for salvation. Amen.