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“But this crowd which does not know the Law is accursed.” (John 7:49)

Unbelievers do not know what we know, so there is no way they could know the truth. A mob may not be intelligent, but individuals are. Those who have an agenda often bully their way through things because they actually believe they are superior. Jesus calls for each of us to be humble and gentle in spirit.

Lord, I have bullied with a superior attitude before. Help me learn to be gentle and humble that I may be like You. Let me not become overly concerned when others do not agree with me, but instead help me always learn and grow in Your wisdom. Help me to know, but also to never become afflicted with pride because I do know.

Thank You Jesus for standing firm. You who knows all things accepted the bullying for our sake. I know You do things that will surprise me, but help me to trust in You no matter what may come. Grant that I would live today standing up to those who try to intimidate and hold fast to what You have shown me is true. Amen.

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