Devotion for Saturday, March 21, 2020

“The officers answered, “Never has a man spoken the way this
man speaks.” The Pharisees then answered them, “You have not also been led
astray, have you?” (John 7:46, 47)

Reason is
reason. Sadly, because of others, we can set our reason aside. The Lord gave us
a mind and He desires that we use it. Think through what Scripture says. Think
through what you hear and you will see that things fit. There are always those
who will put pressure on you to conform to this world.

Lord, in many ways and many times, there are those who put
pressure on me to conform to ideas that are not true. Help me to stand firm in
Your Word, knowing that You who authored all of creation will bring about all
that You have promised. Help me not have beliefs that waver, but instead stand
firmly in the truth.

Lead me today,
Lord Jesus, that I may think on Your Word. When others confront me and seek to
lead me away from what is true, help me to hold fast and live according to Your
Word. Knowing that the wicked one uses whom he will to lead people astray, use
me today to speak Your Word of truth to counter his lies. Amen.