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“What is this statement that He said, ‘You will seek Me, and will not find Me; and where I am, you cannot come’?” (John 7:36)

As Paul told us in Ephesians, the Lord must lead the captives home. No one can seek the Lord while He cannot be found, but He comes to those who hear His voice and leads them home. We come to the Lord because He first came to us. The lost will wander, but the found will follow. Only those found will follow the Good Shepherd.

Lord, let me not get caught up in the mindless speculation of this age, spoken by those who do not know You. Instead, lead me today to perceive the unseen and live firmly in the truth You have already revealed. Grant that I would not be a seeker, but instead be a follower. Help me where I stumble in order that I may live by faith.

Help me today, Lord Jesus, to show others Your presence by living in Your presence and by Your example today. As You lead me, so use me to lead others to You that they may have the opportunity to no longer be seekers, but followers of You who leads us away from the realm of rebellion toward the heavenly realm of eternal peace. Amen.

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