Devotion for Saturday, February 8, 2020

“Therefore I run in such a way, as not without aim; I box in such a
way, as not beating the air;  but I
discipline my body and make it my slave, so that, after I have preached to
others, I myself will not be disqualified” (1 Corinthians 9:26-27).

We are saved by grace apart from
works of the law.  But the justification
is a preparation that we might then journey on the narrow road toward becoming
like Christ.  Some think it is technical,
but this life is one of growing and learning. 
Be prepared to continue the upward journey of the call of Christ that
you may live purposefully and prepare to be with the Lord forever.

Lord, I live in a world that spoon-feeds.  Help me to see that I do have my part to play
in sanctification.  Help me to be one who
is willing to prepare and be diligent in the things You give me to do.  Guide me according to Your purposes that I
may spend my lifetime fighting the good fight, learning as You give me things
to learn, and living into the image of Christ. 
Help me to never stop this upward call.

Lord Jesus, You know the
difficulty of this life.  You know the
obstacles that are in the way.  Help me
to keep on with all that I am able to do knowing that You are always growing in
me Your image.  You are giving me the
opportunity to become more like You every day. 
Help me to not slack off, backslide, or give up; but to do my part that
I may grow stronger in the faith You give each day. Amen.