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“To those who are without law, as without law, though not being without the law of God but under the law of Christ, so that I might win those who are without law. To the weak I became weak, that I might win the weak; I have become all things to all men, so that I may by all means save some. I do all things for the sake of the gospel, so that I may become a fellow partaker of it” (1 Corinthians 9:21-23).

What is the call the Lord has given you?  Is it not to be emptied of self that you might become like Christ who emptied Himself to become the acceptable sacrifice for us all?  This model is not just a nice idea, but the thing itself in living the Christian life.  We are called to live into the life of Christ that we might be what the Father desires.  Come then and set your goal on the prize.

Lord, take me further up the steps of becoming like Christ.  Lead me according to Your goodness to see that in You alone is the hope of eternity.  Help me shed myself of self that I might become what You have always intended.  Guide me in the way of truth that I may now and always learn from You the things that I can and ought to do toward the goal of being like Christ.

Lord Jesus, You are the One who has come to lead the way and set the example for the godly life.  Guide me. O Lord, in the way You would have me go that I might now and always abide in You.  Teach me to empty myself that I may be filled with You.  Guide me in the goodness of the Father’s love that I may now and always continue on the path of eternal life.  Amen.

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