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“Do we not have a right to take along a believing wife, even as the rest of the apostles and the brothers of the Lord and Cephas? Or do only Barnabas and I not have a right to refrain from working?” (1 Corinthians 9:5-6)

We each have the responsibilities and obligations that we have, each according to the call the Lord has given. There has always been this sense that it must be this way or that and if something does not align with our sensibilities, we think it therefor ought to be different. Be guided by the way of the Lord and not by what you think it ought to be in your mind, and in all things with grace.

Lord, teach me the way of grace. I do have my ideas and want things to be conformed according to the way I think these things ought to be. Lead me O Lord that I may not be guided by what seems right in my mind, but by what is pleasing in Your sight. Teach me the difference where there is conflict. May I be guided by Your eternal principles and what is according to Your will.

Lord Jesus, You taught us to continually go to the Father in prayer. Help me to become one who prays without ceasing. Help me to be guided by the eternal truth You have revealed for all. In Your example, guide me to live with charity for others and a strong conviction where I am doing what You have asked me to do. Through all things, help me to always have grace for others as You have given grace to me. Amen.

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