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“Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ? Shall I then take away the members of Christ and make them members of a prostitute? May it never be!  Or do you not know that the one who joins himself to a prostitute is one body with her? For He says, “The two shall become one flesh” (1 Corinthians 6:15-16).

Through the Lord we are made family in the body of Christ.  The Lord intends a tight and everlasting bond.  You choose your friends, but your family are chosen for you.  This is why the Lord teaches us to pray, “Our Father.”  The Lord has a reason for why He does what He does.  He has reasons for all of His laws.  Come to the Lord and learn from Him that You may walk in His ways and be His family.

Lord, I make things more difficult than they need to be.  I also do not live as though everything is Yours and all things are in Your hands.  Guide me, O Lord, in the way of truth that I may now and always live according to Your purposes.  Teach me Your ways, Lord, that I would walk with You now and forever in the way of truth which You established from the beginning.

Lord Jesus, You know the struggles I have in this life.  Lead me O Lord in the way You know I need to go that I would now and always walk with You.  Abide in me so that I may see in You those things I need and follow in Your example.  Teach me to become as You lived, knowing that what I will be shall be revealed, but that I will then be like You.  Amen.

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