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“Actually, then, it is already a defeat for you, that you have lawsuits with one another. Why not rather be wronged? Why not rather be defrauded?  On the contrary, you yourselves wrong and defraud. You do this even to your brethren” (1 Corinthians 6:7-8).

Why is it so important that you think you are right?  Even if you are, what will it accomplish?  Yes, if one is harming the fellowship, remove them, but do not do so simply because you believe them wrong.  Following the Lord is not about being right; it is about putting on the righteousness of Christ.  You do not know all the Father is up to, so relax and let God be God.

Lord, teach me to be discerning so that I do not live my life in such a way that I feel I must assert what I believe to be right.  I only need to look at the history of the church to see how much damage has been done in the name of “right.”  Lead me into a life that seeks to be in harmony with Your will and Your ways.  Guide me into a life that seeks to mirror Christ in all things.

Lord Jesus, You know all that is needed.  You are the Savior, I am not.  Guide me in the way You know will feed my soul and guide me along Your pathway.  Help me to be humble, knowing that there is more than enough contention in this life.  Teach me to be at peace with all insofar as I am able.  Help me to be content in all of life’s circumstances, turning to You for the right way to respond in every case.  Amen.

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