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“To this present hour we are both hungry and thirsty, and are poorly clothed, and are roughly treated, and are homeless; and we toil, working with our own hands; when we are reviled, we bless; when we are persecuted, we endure;  when we are slandered, we try to conciliate; we have become as the scum of the world, the dregs of all things, even until now” (1 Corinthians 4:11-12)

What is your eternal life with Christ worth?  We live in an age such that if things aren’t just the way we want them we go to another place.  Is this living the Gospel life?  To what are you committed and for what do you live?  To live for the self is to die.  To live for the Lord is to live forever.  Come to the Lord and live as He directs no matter the consequences.  In the Lord alone is life.

Lord, I have had it easy in that I can pick and choose what I want and how I will gather in fellowship.  Lead me away from myself that I may serve You wherever You would place me.  Guide me according to Your Spirit to surrender myself to You wholly.  Lead me, Lord, where You will, for I know that You will provide all that is needed.  Use me as You will for Your glory.

Lord, You know all things.  You know what is needed.  Jesus, You were willing to go to the cross for me that I could be eternally united with You.  Help me now and always to follow You and not be tossed about by circumstances.  You have given Your promises and I have given mine.  Lead me to live into the promise of salvation, following You wherever You lead all the days of my life.  Amen.

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