Devotion for Thursday, November 28, 2019
“What then is Apollos? And what is Paul? Servants through whom you
believed, even as the Lord gave opportunity to each one. I planted, Apollos watered, but God was
causing the growth.” (1 Corinthians
Why do you look at the one who
has been a mentor to you rather than the One who is Lord of all. Has not Scripture been fulfilled that says
that no longer will we be taught to know the Lord, for from the least to the
greatest they shall know Him? Yes, be
thankful for those who have led you to the Lord, but place your eyes upon Him,
for He is the One who has saved you and the One who leads you.
Lord, in this world I am caught up with hero worship. I look to those whom I look up to. Guide me to be thankful for all who have
taught me, but to look to You as the One who guides all things to fulfil Your
will. Let me see that You are the One
who causes all growth. Guide me to grow
in You that I may increase in the gifts You have given me and use them to Your
Lord Jesus, You have been an
example of humility and service. Guide
me by Your example to know that it is in You alone that we have hope. Lead me to abide daily in You as You lead me
in the way I should go. Help me to
understand that it is by the Father’s will alone that goodness comes to any of
us. May I now and always look to You first
as You lead me in the way I should go.