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“Praise Him with loud cymbals; Praise Him with clashing cymbals!  Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.  Praise the Lord!”  (Psalm 150:5-6)

Everything created belongs to the One who made all things.  He is gracious and giving and has granted that all we need has been provided.  Do not cling to what is created, but to the One who made all things.  In Him is life, liberty and completeness.  Come into His presence with praise and thanksgiving.  Know that in the Lord, all things necessary shall be provided, and that in Him is joy.

Lord, teach me to live a life of praise and thanksgiving.  Guide me according to Your goodness to see that in You is the hope for all people.  May I learn to live life in such a way that in and through all things it is evident that I look to You.  Let my praise be noisy and obvious.  Let who I am in You be apparent to all whom I meet.  Lead me in the way of righteousness now and always.

Lord Jesus, You have come to show the way, and by ascending and sending the Spirit, You have provided all that is needed to become like You in looking to the Father for all things.  Guide me, O Lord, according to the righteousness granted by Your grace that I may live into the purpose for which I have been created, Help me now and always to follow Your lead and go where You send me.  Amen.

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