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“Praise the Lord!  Praise God in His sanctuary; praise Him in His mighty firmament!  Praise Him for His mighty acts; praise Him according to His excellent greatness!”  (Psalm 150:1-3)

The sanctuary of the Lord is the Lord Himself.  Why do you trust in created things when the Lord, who is forever, is your strength and refuge.  Come into the presence of the Lord and abide in the safety of His presence now and forever.  Know that He who made all things knows the plans He has for those who are His.  Praise Him for the mighty acts He has and will do.

Lord, teach me to look beyond today in order to know that it is You who is guiding me all the days of our lives.  All time is in Your hands.  Guide me, O Lord, in the way of truth that I may abide with You now and forever.  Lead me according to Your purposes to see that in You is the hope before us all.  Lead me and I will follow.  Lead me to abide now and always with You.

Jesus, You promised that if we abide in You, You will abide in us.  Help me learn, understand and live in this truth.  Lead me to see that in You alone is the hope for all people of every age.  Teach me to know that regardless of the circumstances of this age, You are always with me and will guide me through all of life.  You are my Lord and Savior.  Guide me today and always.  Amen.

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