Devotion for Sunday, November 3, 2019
“To bind their kings with chains, and their nobles with fetters of iron; to execute on them the written judgment – this honor have all His saints. Praise the Lord!” (Psalm 149:8-9)
The seasons come and go. Rulers rise, wane, and then fall. In this age we become excited over the events
of the day and emotions can cloud our judgement. The reality is that the Lord is the Lord of
all. Everything falls under His
purview. Do not fear the tyrant of
today, but love the Maker of all days.
Trust in Him above all things and know that it is He alone who can
fulfil all of His promises.
Lord, teach me to trust You above all things. Guide me in the way of life that I may now
and forever abide in the hope You give me.
All of time is in Your hands and apart from You there is nothing I need
fear. Troubles may come today, but You
are still God. Help me to trust always
in Your provision, knowing that all You allow has purpose for Your saints, and
lead me to trust You in every situation.
Lord Jesus, You have given Your Word and You have given promises. Yes, trouble may come, but You are with us every step of the way. Lead me, O Lord, to see that in You alone is the hope of salvation. Guide me according to Your Word to know that in You I can rest in Your peace that surpasses my understanding. Lead me this day to trust in the provision You have given knowing that all things rest in the Father’s hands. Amen.