Devotion for Thursday, October 24, 2019

“Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord from the heavens; praise Him in the
heights!  Praise Him, all His angels;
praise Him, all His hosts!”  (Psalm

We were created to live a life
of praise.  We do praise.  There are those things that are the focus of
our lives and we center our activities around them.  We say that we love this or that.  Do you love the Lord and praise Him at least
as much as your favorite things?  We do
praise, but do you praise the Lord?  Come
into a life of praise and give thanks to the One who has created all things.

Lord, You know me and there is no falsehood I can convey to You.  Teach me to learn to praise You above all
things in this life.  Lead me in the
faith You have given me that I may place things in their proper priority.  Let me be among those who praise You now and
always.  Let me be among the faithful who
understands that You are to be praised above all things.

Lord Jesus, You have come to make
the path clear and You alone can lead the way. 
Guide me, O Lord, in the way of praise and thanksgiving.  Teach me to know that in You I may find the
fullness of life and its meaning.  Help
me now and always to be one who is thankful, knowing that You are guiding me in
accordance with the Father’s will.  Lead
me, Savior, in the way of Your salvation. 