Devotion for Tuesday, October 15, 2019

“Praise the Lord!  For it is good
to sing praises to our God; for it is pleasant, and praise is beautiful.  The Lord builds up Jerusalem; He gathers
together the outcasts of Israel.”  (Psalm

Look around you.  There is much beauty in this world.  The Lord is good and has provided at all
times for all people.  Do not focus upon
the calamities, but upon the abundance that cares for so many.  See the goodness of what the Lord has done
and learn to praise Him for all things and in all situations.  The world focuses upon evil.  Learn to focus upon what is right and good.

Lord, teach me to have a heart that praises You in every season.  Guide me according to Your purpose to see
that in You is the hope of every generation. 
Lead me to see what is right and good and to put these things into
practice.  Guide me O Lord according to
Your purpose that I may now and always praise You and give You thanks for all
the good things You provide for Your creation.

Lord Jesus, You have come that
all who believe would have life and have it abundantly.  Guide me in the way of truth that I would
rejoice in the blessings You give.  Lead
me in Your provision to see through the wiles of this world and know Your grace
and goodness afresh each day.  Help me to
live with a grateful heart, giving thanks for the abundant mercies You
provide.  Amen.