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22nd Sunday after Pentecost, Proper 27, Cycle C (November 10, 2019)


In the power of the Spirit, let us pray to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ on behalf of the Church, the world, and all people according to their need.

A brief silence

Heavenly Father, we stand awestruck before your presence. You reveal your name in a burning bush. You reveal your heart in your crucified Son. You bestow liberty to captives, forgiveness to sinners, sight to the blind, truth to the deluded, and life to the dead! We adore you, O God and we bless you forever!

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

By the power of your Spirit, give your Church such words and wisdom that your enemies may neither withstand nor contradict its witness. Keep it steadfast in faith; unwavering in endurance; diligent in service; and joyful in hope. Give it faithful pastors who announce the coming of the Son of Man, so that many repent, receive strength to stand before him, and see their redemption drawing near.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


We pray for the people and the mission of this congregation. Keep us watchful, faithful, and brave. Keep our minds, hearts, lips, eyes and hands focused on speaking and doing your will. Help us to encourage the fearful and challenge the idle; to comfort the despairing and the grieving; and to lighten the loads of all who are burdened by the cares and sorrows of this broken world.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


Guide, protect and encourage your missionaries, so that they do not grow weary in announcing the Gospel of salvation throughout the world. Give bold words and enduring faith to Christians who are persecuted on account of the name of Jesus. Grant us grace to speak on their behalf, and to help them however we can. Cause those who despise them to repent and to seek forgiveness and redemption.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


Wars and rumors of wars; persecution and injustice; and natural disasters made worse by human sinfulness afflict nations and peoples, even in this modern age. Teach your laws and statutes to the world’s rulers, so that their hearts are turned to care for their people. And help all of us to speak and act with compassion and kindness, because we do not know what burdens are borne by those around us.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


Be merciful to everyone who has been assaulted by the powers of sin, death, and the devil, and who cry out for help. Violence and wars, famines and floods, sickness and misery, and the wickedness of the human heart, make this and every age seem like those “end times” of which Jesus speaks. Help all Christians to speak and live the Gospel so clearly, that even those most estranged from you might take heart and turn back to you, and lift up their heads to see your promised redemption.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


We pray for injured, sick and dying; of pregnant and nursing mothers; of the handicapped and addicted; and of all who have none to care for them in their times of greatest need. We pray also for first responders and those in the military who stand between us and chaotic dangers. Most especially we pray for: {List}. Grant that the Sun of Righteousness, even the Lord Jesus Christ, should rise upon them with healing in his wings; and give them the joy of his saving help.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Almighty and gracious Father, those who have died trusting in you are already singing songs of exultation and victory. We thank you for fulfilling your promises to them. Grant that even in the midst of the turmoil and heartache of this broken world, we may bear witness to your steadfast mercy, and announce your salvation to all who have hearts to hear. Bring us, with all the redeemed, into the glorious light of your dear Son’s presence. There, healed from sin and sorrow, grant us the priceless gift of rejoicing in your great love forever.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


In the power of the Holy Spirit, we entrust our prayers and petitions into your hands, gracious Father, for the sake of your beloved Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.  AMEN.


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