Devotion for Sunday, September 15, 2019
“I cried unto the, O LORD; I said, Thou art my refuge and my portion in
the land of the living.” (Psalm 142:5)
It does not matter how you feel this day. The Lord still loves you and His plans will continue forward. It you feel good and life is well for you, give thanks; if all are against you, look to the Lord. The Lord knows all that is needed and has provided, even before you ask, for all of what you need. In all situations, do not turn away from the Lord, but see His face and learn to love Him as He first loved you.
Lord, I am often conflicted in this world and I go into the world
without my loins being girded. Guide me,
O Lord, to live out all of Your precepts that I may live in this world of
wickedness without rejecting the life that You give me. Guide me, O Lord, in Your mercy to see that
in You alone is the hope for all people in every age. Help me to live the life to which You have
called me.
Lord Jesus, You know what it is
to walk amongst people who reject You and what You have come to
accomplish. Guide me, O Lord, in the way
of truth that I would walk humbly beside You and live in the way You have
called me to live. Lift me up according
to the Father’s will to do what is right and pleasing in Your sight. Lead me all the days of my life to be Your
humble servant. Amen.