THE PRAYERS,  Reformation Sunday (October 27, 2019)


Reformation Sunday (October 27, 2019)


Let us pray in the name of Jesus to our heavenly Father for the Church, the world, and one another.

A brief silence

Thank you, dear Father, for all who love your Church and who have faithfully sought to purify and reform it when it has lost its way. Thank you for constantly raising up prophets, apostles, martyrs, theologians, and ordinary saints who treasure your holy Word and love your Church, even when she stumbles and sins. Thank you for Jesus, who makes the Church his dear Bride, and who even now is making her lovely with holiness, charity, and righteousness.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Pour out your Holy Spirit upon your Church.  Make it your holy habitation; keep it steadfast in your Word; strengthen it in the face of temptation; defend it from evil; reform and purify it from sin and error; and bestow on it your saving peace.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


Graciously protect and guide the people of this congregation, O Lord, our Help and our Redeemer. Gladden our hearts with the joy of your saving love. Cause us to brim over with the gifts of your Holy Spirit, so that we may refresh, nourish, instruct and invite our neighbors into your presence.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


Be the refuge and strength of Christians throughout the world when they are persecuted for confessing Jesus as Lord; and cause the enemies of the Gospel to repent of their sinfulness, that they may turn to you and live.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


Exalt yourself among the nations, and speak your holy word to your world, especially to the leaders of our country. Give us a measure of your own wisdom and a portion of your own Spirit, so that we, and all in positions of authority and trust, desire to do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly before you.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


Bless the work of faithful theologians and teachers who establish dialog, clarify doctrine, correct misunderstandings, and strive to heal the fractures within your Church. Direct their labors with your Spirit’s promptings. Give them charity in service of witnessing to the truth of your Word.  Keep them grounded in the Gospel of your Son, Jesus Christ, crucified and resurrected to forgive sins and grant life and salvation to all who will receive him.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


We lift before you the needs of all whose lives are shaken and troubled by suffering of mind, body or spirit. Especially we pray for: {List}. Be in their midst; let them not be overthrown; bring them your saving help; say to them, ‘be still, and know that I am God;’ and restore them all to health and hope, that they may proclaim the awesome things you have done.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Most holy Lord, we give you thanks for the lives of all whom you have claimed as your own and have redeemed through the precious blood of your dear Son. Grant that we may humbly follow in their footsteps; boldly trust in your promises; faithfully live in your Word; and cheerfully serve in your Name. And bring us, through the merits of our Savior, into your eternal home, where with all the redeemed, we shall glorify you in the power of your most holy Spirit forever and ever and unto the ages of ages.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


In the power of the Holy Spirit, we entrust our prayers and petitions into your hands, gracious Father, for the sake of your beloved Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.  AMEN.


THE PRAYERS,  19th Sunday after Pentecost, Proper 24, Cycle C (October 20, 2019)


19th Sunday after Pentecost, Proper 24, Cycle C (October 20, 2019)


Let us pray in the name of Jesus to our heavenly Father for the Church, the world, and one another.

A brief silence

Heavenly Father, sometimes our ears itch because we desire plausible, convenient untruths. Sometimes we wrestle with your holy Word and come away hobbling and sore. Oh, Father, sometimes it’s hard to love, trust, and obey you! Thank you for constantly hearing our prayers. Thank you for touching us with healing and blessing, not just rebuke and warning. Thank you for uniting us with Jesus, who is Truth and Blessing, Word and Love incarnate.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Grant such faithfulness to your Church throughout the world that it may always confess and preach that all Scripture is inspired, useful for teaching and reproof. Fill it with your Holy Spirit, so that it may penetrate itching ears with the pure doctrine of Christ, crucified and raised from the dead for the forgiveness of sin unto life everlasting.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


Keep everyone in this congregation in your merciful care. Conform our hearts to your will. Help us to pray with bold faith and persistent hope. In all things, grant that we glorify you, bear witness to your holy and gracious Word for their lives; and live lives worthy of our high calling as your children.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


Do not slumber or sleep, O Lord, while your suffering Church prays to you for help. Hear their cries and come to their aid. Soften the hearts of their unjust judges and persecutors to repent of their evil and do what is right in your sight. Grant faith, courage, persistence, and compassion to all who preach the Gospel to those who have not heard the name of Christ aright.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


Bless this war-torn world with your peace. Give it wise leaders who do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly in your sight. Look with kindness upon the humble and destitute, the widow and orphan; and all to whom justice has been denied. Keep us mindful of their cries; and move us to act with compassion and with tangible help, so that together we may enjoy the gifts you have bestowed on all your people.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


We pray for lawyers, judges, magistrates, and for all who make or interpret laws and administer justice in this country and throughout the world. Give them uprightness of heart, and a passion for truth. Make them wise, fair, and impartial in their decisions; and through their work, grant that a measure of your own holy and gracious will may be accomplished in our midst.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


Hear the cries of all who are afflicted, dear Lord, especially those we name before you – including: {List}. Bring them safely through their travails; reunite them with all who love them; and give them an unconquerable faith in your gracious care.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We thank you, merciful Father, for our loved ones who have died and are asleep in your arms. Until we are reunited with them and with all whom you have redeemed, keep us steadfast in faith, persistent in prayer, and attentive to your true and holy Word. Grant that we may enter into your presence in the company of all the saints, and forever worship, praise, bless and adore you for the love you have shown us through Christ Jesus our Savior.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


In the power of the Holy Spirit, we entrust our prayers and petitions into your hands, gracious Father, for the sake of your beloved Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.  AMEN.


THE PRAYERS,  18th Sunday after Pentecost, Proper 23, Cycle C (October 13, 2019)


18th Sunday after Pentecost, Proper 23, Cycle C (October 13, 2019)


Let us pray in the name of Jesus to our heavenly Father for the Church, the world, and one another.

A brief silence

Dear Lord, give us faith and courage, steadfast love and heartfelt gratitude for every good gift that comes from you! We are so blessed. Tune our hearts to sing your praise. Make our feet lovely with the eagerness to run to others with tokens of your mercy and goodness.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Give to your Church the faithful love for you and for one another that Ruth had for Naomi. Stir up in it the thankful worship of the Samaritan leper. Grant it the bold, diligent and truthful witness of your servants Paul and Timothy. Raise up righteous pastors, bishops, deacons, elders, theologians and other leaders. And use your Church to show your graciousness and generosity toward those who fear you.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


We pray for this congregation – its people, its ministries, and its mission. In all things, shape us into vessels of your generous goodness and holy healing, so that many people may receive life and salvation.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


Help us to remember, defend, assist, and walk with those Christians who are persecuted for their faith in Jesus. Grant that their faith, hope and love may be a shining witness in places of spiritual darkness.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


We pray for our world, broken by evil and bruised by violence. Give us teachable hearts that rejoice in your precepts – and strive to obey them. Give wisdom, fairness, and common sense to leaders in our communities, states, and nation – and to those throughout the world who take counsel for the affairs of government, commerce, education, and whatever else affects your people in their everyday lives.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


Be gracious and merciful to widows and widowers and to all whose hearts are embittered by loss and grief. Help others to not abandon or ignore them, but rather to walk with them in their sorrow, and to show them kindness, friendship, and understanding.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


Our Lord Jesus, in his infinite compassion, healed ten lepers. We plead that he may show that compassionate healing to all whose bodies, minds, or spirits are afflicted by the powers of sin, evil, suffering, or the shadow of death. Most especially we life before you the needs of: {List}. Grant them healing, hope, and grateful hearts; and reunite them with all who love them.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Most Holy and blessed Father, bring your ultimate and eternal healing – your endless life – to everyone who has died trusting in your promises.  Comfort all whose grief still runs deep. Give all of us persistent faith; devoted friendship; diligent service; and hearts overflowing with gratitude for the great love you have shown us through the death and resurrection of your dear Son. By his merits, heal all of us from whatever the powers of sin, death and the devil have afflicted us with. Grant us the eternal joy of adoring and praising your goodness, and of seeing you face to face.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


In the power of the Holy Spirit, we entrust our prayers and petitions into your hands, gracious Father, for the sake of your beloved Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.  AMEN.


THE PRAYERS,  17th Sunday after Pentecost, Proper 22, Cycle C (October 6, 2019)  


17th Sunday after Pentecost, Proper 22, Cycle C (October 6, 2019)


Let us pray in the name of Jesus to our heavenly Father for the Church, the world, and one another.

A brief silence

Dear heavenly Father, thank you for planting the mustard-seed of faith in us! Please water it with your Holy Spirit and make its roots delve deep into your holy Word and Sacraments. Cause that seed to blossom and come to fruition, nourishing a hungry world with your son’s forgiveness and love.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We ask your protection, guidance and blessing upon your Church. Make it steadfast in faith; courageous in witness; truthful in teaching and preaching; and gracious in service to all for whom your Son gave his life.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


Fill this congregation with your Holy Spirit, so that in our words and actions, we never seem ashamed of Christ, but instead show and share his holy and forgiving love to everyone we encounter.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


Bestow upon all missionaries strength to do their Master’s work faithfully and well until he comes in glory. Shield and strengthen our sisters and brothers who are persecuted on account of Jesus. Give them grace and courage to stand at their watch-post and to speak and live your Word boldly and truly. Grant that their tormentors may repent of their evil ways and turn to you, the Lord of all.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


Grant that the leaders of all nations, most especially our own, may acknowledge you as their Lord and Master; and may do the work you have entrusted to them faithfully and diligently; knowing that they must give to you an account of their actions. Remind them constantly that their decisions ought not be stumbling-blocks even to the littlest and least of their citizens; but instead, that they should strive for justice tempered with mercy, and for peace wedded to righteousness.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


Grant the watchman’s courage and faithfulness to all who protect and defend life from the ravages of evil and violence. We beseech you especially on behalf of those in our military, and all first responders. Prosper all they do that accomplishes your purposes; be their mighty fortress when they imperiled or injured; reunite them swiftly with their loved ones; and help us to honor and use their gifts to benefit our communities.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


Be the rock and salvation, the hope and the eternal possession of all who cry out to you in time of adversity, suffering, or sorrow. Most especially we remember before you: {List}. Give them patience; still their troubled souls; heal them of whatever afflicts them in body, mind, or spirit; and give to all who care for them tender hearts, gentle hands, compassionate service, and loving encouragement.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Dear heavenly Father, keep our beloved dead in your loving embrace. Be the rock and salvation of all whose grief runs deep. Give all of us steadfast courage and boundless hope. Make us gentle and tender-hearted with one another: forgiving when the other sins, repentant when we are in the wrong; and encouraging when our neighbor stumbles. Lead us safely through the evils and sorrows of this earthly life. Bring us into your Kingdom and into eternal fellowship with you and with all whom you have redeemed through the merits of your beloved Son.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


In the power of the Holy Spirit, we entrust our prayers and petitions into your hands, gracious Father, for the sake of your beloved Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.  AMEN.


Devotion for Wednesday, September 11, 2019

“Do not grant, O Lord, the desires of the wicked; do not further his
wicked scheme, lest they be exalted.  
“As for the head of those who surround me, let the evil of their lips
cover them; let burning coals fall upon them; let them be cast into the fire,
into deep pits, that they rise not up again.” 
(Psalm 140:8-10)

When we look around, it often seems as though the wicked are prospering.  What difference does it make if they gain the world but lose their soul?  Do not lose perspective nor forget that this age is fleeting.  Look to the Lord and walk humbly with your Maker and God.  It is He who causes all things to work together for good.  It is He who has made plans for the ages and those who trust in Him will eternally prosper.

Lord, guide me in the way of righteousness.  Let me not be caught up in the nonsense of
this world.  Lead me according to the
goodness of Your word that I would now and always abide in Your presence and
walk in Your ways.  Let those who reject
You be cast to the pit or let them not be cast to the pit; for You alone know
what is in their hearts.  Only, do not
allow me to join with them, but always to walk humbly with You.

Lord Jesus, You have come to save
as many as believe.  Help my unbelief
that I would walk through even those times of uncertainty and even anger with
my hand in Yours.  You know that way of
everlasting life and have come to lead as many as would follow in Your
never-failing way.  Lead me, O Lord, that
I may walk in the life You give knowing that all things are in Your hands.  Amen.