“Even there Your hand shall lead me, and Your right hand shall hold me. If I say, “Surely the darkness shall fall on me,” even the night shall be light about me; indeed, the darkness shall not hide from You, but the night shines as the day; the darkness and the light are both alike to You.” (Psalm 138:10-12)
The Lord looks upon His creation. He does not see as we see, for He can see all things at all times simultaneously. The Lord knows what He has made. There is not for Him, as there is for us, darkness. Who then would choose their own way when they must live an existence of light and dark. Come into the eternal presence of the One in whom there is only light. Come to the One who is always good and abide with Him forever.
Lord, You know where I struggle, for You see it. You see what I cannot see. Lead my heart to trust You above all things. Lead me to know that only in You is there true hope. Let me not be carried away by deeds of darkness, but come into Your never-failing light and walk as Your child. No matter what I see or do not see in this life, let me always see the shining of Your light.
Light of the world who calls us abide in You, guide me this day in the way of salvation. Lead me according to Your Word of truth. Let me neither stumble nor fall, but instead, faithfully walk with You every moment of this day. Assure me of the truth that You who are perpetual light do see all of the things before me. No matter the circumstance, lead me to always trust in You. Amen.
Photo by Mike Abasolo on Unsplash