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“Though I walk in the midst of trouble, You will revive me; You will stretch out Your hand Against the wrath of my enemies, and Your right hand will save me.  The Lord will perfect that which concerns me; Your mercy, O Lord, endures forever; do not forsake the works of Your hands.”  (Psalm 138:7-8)

You will encounter trouble in this life.  Though it comes, the Lord has promised that He will be with you always.  Take comfort in the fact that you have the One who made all things not just watching you, but watching over you.  Know that He who knows you will keep you in His presence all the days of your life.  Be comforted and do what He gives you to do.

Lord, this world sometimes seems fickle.  Guide me according to Your purpose to see that in You is all hope.  No matter the circumstance, lift my eyes up to see from whence my help comes.  It comes from You, the Maker of heaven and earth.  You have given me tasks to do.  Keep my hands at the tasks You have given me to do that I may do what is pleasing in Your sight and according to Your Word.

Lord Jesus, You have led the way that all who follow You may walk in the right way.  Keep me on the path of righteousness that I may now and always walk according to the goodness of the Father’s eternal plan.  Guide me to lift up my eyes to You and be led wherever You take me.  Help me to humbly obey all that You command and learn to serve as I have first been served.  Lead me today, Lord Jesus.  Amen.

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